Category Archives: Wozniak

AppleLand theme park draws over a million in opening week

Cupertino, CA — More magical than Disney. More thrilling than Universal. The 120-acre AppleLand theme park has ... Get the Scoop

Steve Jobs’ New Year’s resolutions found on Starbucks napkin

Palo Alto, CA — Uh-oh. Another piece of top-secret Apple material has been left behind in a public place. Only this ... Get the Scoop

WikiLeaks releases 140,000 emails from Steve Jobs

Stockholm, Sweden — Enjoying the occasional Steve Jobs email that trickles onto the Internet? Prepare for the deluge. ... Get the Scoop

Wozniak to be neutered in attempt to curtail chronic buffoonery

Cupertino, CA — Heeding a chorus of demands from friends, family and colleagues, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will ... Get the Scoop