Scoopertino, CA — It was an ordinary Monday morning in California. It was an ordinary afternoon in Salzburg, Austria. But soon, two worlds were to collide.
At 10:36 am PST, Scoopertino received its one millionth click — and Austrian mom Cassie Osterhout became an instant celebrity.

"If you insist," says Cassie Osterhout, as she receives her Certificate of Accomplishment from Scoopertino correspondent Mario Bitensky
Though perplexed at first by the congratulatory phone call from Scoopertino, Cassie quickly progressed from confusion to utter indifference.
“I don’t know what they’re talking about,” says Cassie. “I don’t know or care what a Scoopertino is.”
According to Cassie, the visit to Scoopertino might have been the doing of her six-year-old son, who refused to comment for this story. She also leaves open the possibility that the magical click was actually performed by her cat, Oliver, who enjoys an occasional strut across the computer keyboard.
Either way, Cassie is now the proud owner of a special Scoopertino Certificate of Accomplishment. And the relentless drive to Two Million is now underway.
[From the Editor: Yes, it’s true. Scoopertino has now been clicked a million times, only a small percentage of which were the result of random animal behavior. A big thanks to everyone who’s visited on purpose.]