Category Archives: Corporate

Food fight! New Apple emails reveal root of ad agency problem

San Francisco, CA — Emails presented by Samsung in court recently revealed that Apple thought of dumping its ... Get the Scoop

New Apple mothership to tighten security for God

Cupertino — Holy security, Batman. To reduce the risk of being hacked by false gods, Apple will soon require The Big ... Get the Scoop

Tim Cook’s 6-point plan to re-ignite Apple profits

Cupertino, CA — Next time analysts are on an earnings call with Tim Cook, they might want to stick around till the ... Get the Scoop

Court upholds Apple finger patent, Samsung scrambles

San Francisco, CA — Notch one more victory for Apple in the patent wars. And this one is definitely ... Get the Scoop

Tim Cook visits Foxconn worker “Hatchery”

Zhengzhou, China — Hundreds of smiling faces greeted Tim Cook on his visit last week to a Foxconn iPhone factory — ... Get the Scoop

Apple Stores begin accepting food stamps

Cupertino, CA — Citing a disturbing number of Americans unable to give Apple their money, President Obama took an ... Get the Scoop

iQuit: Apple stops making everything it makes

Cupertino, CA — Better hang onto that iPhone. It’s about to become a collector’s item. Today Apple announced that ... Get the Scoop

EXPOSED: Apple’s Jony Ive knighted as part of secret deal

London, U.K. — The knighting of Apple design chief Jony Ive sent cheers of delight around the Apple universe. But it ... Get the Scoop

BULLETIN: Santa walks out on talks with Tim Cook

North Pole, Arctic Circle — The smiles of millions of children around the world hang in the balance today, as Apple ... Get the Scoop

Apple fires Phil Schiller, replaces him with Siri

Cupertino, CA — Bad news and good news for Apple’s Phil Schiller: you’re fired, but your iPhone 4S can stay. CEO ... Get the Scoop