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Category Archives: iPhone
Apple unveils iBuy: the marriage of typing and spending
Cupertino, CA — Can’t spend your hard-earned cash fast enough? There’s a keyboard for that. Today Apple ... Get the Scoop

WWDC 2011: Scoopertino live blog transcript
If you missed our live blog from WWDC yesterday, here’s the transcript from our reporter on the scene. 9:31AM ... Get the Scoop

Madame Tussauds opens Apple iChamber of Horrors
Los Angeles, CA — Scary figures. Devices of torture. Sinister plans to enslave us all. Madame Tussauds captures the ... Get the Scoop

Bill Gates predicts “Apple Rapture”: all Macs to explode in 2012
Redmond, WA — That end-of-the-world nonsense was just one big joke, says Microsoft founder Bill Gates. “May ... Get the Scoop

Bin Laden hard drives reveal app developer dreams
Abbottabad, Pakistan — Even evildoers have their hopes and dreams. Hard drives recovered from Osama bin Laden’s ... Get the Scoop

Apple-Google conflict erupts into full-scale war
BULLETIN: Cupertino, CA — Tensions between Apple and Google have erupted into open warfare, with both sides suffering ... Get the Scoop

Apple embraces Big Brother role in Super Bowl commercial
Cupertino, CA — Google and Motorola have both accused Apple of acting like Big Brother, trying to control every ... Get the Scoop

Announcing App Store Express: the fastest way to give Apple your money
Cupertino, CA — After revolutionizing the industry with the iPhone App Store, then revolutionizing it again with the ... Get the Scoop

Apple launches new line of imaginary iPhones
Cupertino, CA — Expanding on the success of the nonexistent white iPhone, Apple today announced a new line of iPhones ... Get the Scoop

Apple enters home TV market with AppleVision: “HD TV for the rest of us”
Cupertino, CA — Move over, Sony. Apple has surprised analysts by boldly moving into the home TV market with a new ... Get the Scoop