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iQuit: Apple stops making everything it makes
Cupertino, CA — Better hang onto that iPhone. It’s about to become a collector’s item. Today Apple announced that ... Get the Scoop

Apple introduces Siri Pro: for serious Apple lovers
Cupertino, CA — Think Siri is all talk and no action? Think again. Targeting lovestruck Siri fans, Apple today ... Get the Scoop

Apple woos Amish with “Apple Store in a Barn”
Lancaster, PA — Who needs electricity when you can have great design? Apple, the technology company best known for ... Get the Scoop

EXPOSED: Apple’s Jony Ive knighted as part of secret deal
London, U.K. — The knighting of Apple design chief Jony Ive sent cheers of delight around the Apple universe. But it ... Get the Scoop

Deja Scoop: Apple Stores to be rebranded as Church of Apple
Scoopertino is closed for the holidays. In the meantime, we’ll recycle a couple of stories from our dusty ... Get the Scoop